Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Shadows of Brimstone - New stuff

What caught my eye about Shadows of Brimstone was the scope for expansion. As I mentioned in the last post, the western theme is simply the tip of a very deep gaming iceberg. The core boxes provide the groundwork and what may seem fussy to begin with (everything, from treasure to monsters has at least three decks of cards each!) means that an add-ons can simply be shuffled in with the rest of the cards.

For example, the first Other World expansion has been released in the States and is called Caverns of Cynder.

Just like the other two Other Worlds, it comes with it own event and loot deck. All you have to do to incorporate it into your games is to put it's Other World card in with the Ice City and Swamps and hope you draw it when you venture through a portal. Flying Frog really do have a blank canvas and can literally go anywhere with this concept. Abandoned space wreckage hurtling towards a sun anyone?

New characters are also planned to expand the original eight. Again, each character just needs their starting gear and off they go.

Personally, I'm always a fan of Wizards in fantasy games so I hope they include a character who uses magic or spells in some form. I spotted a picture of a Dark Stone Shaman knocking about the internet so who knows?

However, the really crazy things are the new boss style enemies.

They are HUGE!

Overall, I can't wait to get going in Shadows of Brimstone. I'm also genuinely interested to see where Flying Frog takes the game. I already have the City of the Ancients core game and next I really want to put up a battle report of my first play through. Saddle up!


  1. Really excited to hear more about this when you have played some games. The setting looks great and full of flavour. I have a lot of time for flying frog after the genius of Last night on earth.

  2. Flying Frog are awesome. It's a shame the art style isn't the same in SoB, however it'll be next to impossible with all the crazy monsters.

    I forgot to mention, the obligatory ambient CD is included with the game!
