Sunday 27 April 2014

Incoming Articles!

So I kinda know that it's mainly the regular readers here (the contributors) but I thought I'd update the blog with a list of incoming articles seeing as it's been quiet over the Easter period:

Magnetizing - an article on magnetizing your models to get the best value from your army

Blood Bowl Video Game Review - I know, it's been around for a while and Blood Bowl 2 is on our doorstep but I have only recently got the game and I have a few thoughts

Several Battle Reports - There have been fantasy and 40k battles going on and our contributors have been taking notes 

Eldar Guardians WIP - in the coming week we'll be seeing the next few stages and progression of this unit

Basing - Our very own Praetor has been promising an article on basing. I'm calling him out and putting it on this list. He's been making some awesome bases that we could all learn something from!

Escher Gang - I'm going to be digging out my old Escher gang and repainting/painting them up in an effort to revitalize the game among my gaming group. This will be a loooooong process but it needs to happen.

Saga of the Treekin - With the wood elves inbound and my love of woods I thought I would start a new collection (tenuous but why do I need a good reason?). This is a long term collection that will hopefully cumulate in a painted 1000 point army by xmas this year. Watch this space for updates starting with my thoughts on the Wood Elf army Book.

Look out for these articles and more in the coming weeks!

P.S. Funky Budda has just had a wee baby. Congratulations! We'll probably not hear too much from him over the coming weeks but I'm sure he'll check in from time to time.


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