Friday 18 April 2014

Horus Lupercal

Box Opening

Just thought I'd give a quick overview of the new Horus figure, one thing I'm going to try to across is the shear scale of him he is huge, and the detail on the armour is amazing.

Horus compared to a std MK IV Astartes, his head only just come up to Horus' navel
The power fist is one of the finest weapons I've ever seen, my picture really does not do it justice 
A few more pictures


  1. Wow! Just Wow! I may comment more when i've got over how nice he looks! :D

  2. I'll get some better pic's, just wanted to get the scale of him up.

  3. Holy Cow! That is giant model! It looks awesome. No wonder the Primarchs were so powerful. He's almost as big as a bloodthirster.
