Wednesday 4 February 2015

Better late than never!

Blimey, time flies when you have a baby doesn't it? Anyway now that little Rosie has got used to the idea of sleeping at night, I've got a slither of free time back.

Where the heck did I get to? I feel a brief summary is needed:

For 40k, my Imperial Guard army has a paint scheme, I just need to apply it to a squad of Guardsmen. I think they will look really good painted up so I might do this next. I can't wait to do a tank!

For Warhammer, my Chaos army has plenty of reinforcements stacking up.

I just need to finish off the first batch of 12 and then assemble the next batch. I really want to get to grips with the Chaos Ogres as I want to give them the Mark of Nurgle and can't wait to 'Green Stuff' the hell out of them.

A little while ago I brought a box of Malifaux models to see what they're like. I went with an Undead themed gang called The Resurrectionists. The sculpts are very detailed but they are a little different to what I'm used to.

Games Workshops uses 28mm "Heroic" scale for their models which means the models are scaled to 28mm but the weapons, hands and heads are exaggerated and the legs are shortened (according to Google). Malifaux models are true 28mm scale so the weapons are all tiny and the legs and arms seem very thin.

 Anyway, the models don't require an amazingly original paint job, but I liked the look of them so I'll give them a go.

Finally, I got brought the X-Wing game for Christmas. The three ships that come with the game are excellent quality and pre-painted! Hooray! I can't wait to try it out.

Anyway, that's roughly where I'm at a the moment. Like I say, hopefully I can make a serious dent in the boxes that are piling up!